Sunday, August 30, 2009

Week 3: Esquisse 2

Esquisse 2: Triangle

I found this task very challenging! As a group we all worked together and there was two different methods that where being worked on in the class. With the help of justin and the initial ruling up of the square cut x-board the project was a little easier to understand but still very complicated I thought and the measurements where getting me very confused! 

My final triangle did not turn out amazingly with a very rough finish and not staying together for very long even with the locking system I created. I think this was due to some miss calculation in the final measurements of the triangles and also the angle at which the edges where cut.

My final triangle only clicks together if you hold it for a while and quickly take a photo!

I completed this one at home but think it still needs another attempt as it is still not right as it can not stand free and lock together without help. 

here are my photos. 

Thank you. 

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Week 2: Esquisse 1: Square

Hi all, 

This is work from week 2 our first esquisse. As we all know this is what was due at end of class. Mine unfortunately turned out slightly wonky and has a bit of a triangular look to it rather than square! I think this was due to my measurements being slightly out at the locking point and the side that lock together are not the same length therefore creating an imperfect square. 

I relay enjoyed using this new material and am looking forward to learning more about techniques to modify material in the process of designing our chairs. I have been sketching but don't know if I am on the right track for the chair design. 

I also noticed that on the out of the fold blog it says for week 2 esquisse 1 that there is three things due????? however the task sheet and instructions is only for the square I am not sure if i have got this wrong of it has changed and we were supposed to do this in our own time. 

I am new to blogging and hope I have done this right!!!

Thank you all, see you in class. 

Brodie :)